J'arrive de chez la femme sage et ma bedaine mesurait 39cm le coeur du bebe etait a 130/min. Tout a l'aire beau. Elle a fait un examin pour voir si j'avais commencer a dillater, resultat, nada! Rien n'a changer. La porte est bien fermee! Alors pas de chance pour un bebe aujourd'hui...J'ai un rendez-vous mardi prochain pour une echo afin de savoir si tout va bien. J'espere bien quand meme que ca se fasse d'ici Vendredi! Mais bon, bebe n'est pas presse de sortir! J'vais quand meme faire des efforts pour la motiver a sortir. J'avais penser a arreter de manger, dans ce cas la a finirait par sortir parce qu'a l'aurait torp faim! Je blague!
Bon ben je vous tiens au courrant. Je crois qu'elle veut attendre ces tantes qui viennent ce Vendredi, Vero et Caro. Vero t'as pas de chance, tu devras assister a mon accouchement! :P
I just came back from the Midwife and my belly was 39cm and the baby's heart rate was 130/min. Everything look good so far. So my midwife did an exam to check if I was dilated but not a chance. The door is really close. So no baby for today! I have an appointment on next Tuesday for and Ultrasound in case I still haven give birth by then. They want to check if the baby is ok and if I still have enough amniotic liquid. Obviously she is not in a hurry to come out! I just hope that she doesn't pass this Friday. From now on I will do any effort to get her out of there! I was actually thinking of starving myself...maybe she will be so hungry she will want to come out! Just kidding!Anyway I"ll keep you posted! I think she is just waiting for my 2 sisters to arrive this Friday. My sister Vero was hoping that it would be done by the time they show up but I have the feeling she will have to see it! :P
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